Sunday, April 20, 2008

Passover started last night at sundown

I was privileged to attended my first Seder meal last night. I am so amazed at the experience. I finished two Beth Moore studies: A Women's Heart (which was on the tabernacle) and Stepping Up (which was on the Psalms of Ascent). With doing these two studies and now participating in the Seder meal it has really fine tuned things for me.

I loved Matzo Ball soup and came across this recipe for it this morning. I love the detailed pictures of how to make the Matzo Ball soup and can imagine myself (if I was born in that time) grounding up the Matzo myself.

I know that this is not my last Seder meal and I truly look forward to this wonderful year. I can't wait to see what God does with my first fruits offering!

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